Scaling eDNA to Monitor Marine Biodiversity

Ocean Diagnostics has partnered with Australia’s Minderoo Foundation to deliver environmental DNA (eDNA) depth sampling technology that can be scaled to monitor marine biodiversity. Using Ocean Diagnostics’ Ascension eDNA depth sampler, Minderoo’s OceanOmics team has collected hundreds of eDNA samples along Australia’s southwestern coastline, often in remote and undersurveyed locations.

Results found comparable data with the existing Niskin method at a fraction of the processing time, providing more user feasibility for tender boats and avoiding sample contamination. The project also created the first eDNA biodiversity assessment of Christmas and Cocos Islands and surveyed the Abrolhos Islands.

Ascension is a portable and automated 22-lb. instrument that can be deployed from small vessels or fixed installations to collect filtered eDNA down to 400-m depths.

Working toward the international goal of protecting 30 percent of the ocean by 2030, Australia has already designated 43 percent of its coastline as marine protected area. But the parks themselves have varying degrees of protection. More scientific data are needed to better understand their biodiversity and the effectiveness of marine parks.

Learn more here.

Read about Ascension in ST‘s February 2024 issue.

Photo credit: Giacomo d’Orlando

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