Tag Archives: NOC

Guidelines for Image-Based Species Identification

Scientists have created a set of unique guidelines for image-based species identification to improve biodiversity data collection. Led by Dr. Tammy Horton at the U.K. National Oceanography Centre (NOC), the new guide provides rules for the use of open nomenclature signs in image-based biodiversity studies. The guidelines have been developed as a way of indicating the level of certainty in

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New Estimate: 10 Times More Plastic in Atlantic

plastic waste on coast

The mass of “invisible” microplastics found in the upper waters of the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 12 to 21 million tonnes, according to research published in the journal Nature Communications. Significantly, this figure is only for three of the most common types of plastic litter in a limited size range. Yet, it is comparable in magnitude to estimates of all plastic waste that

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Fast-Moving Undersea Waterfalls Control Submarine Channels

NOC waterfalls submarine channels

New research led by the U.K. National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has discovered how fast-moving waterfalls under the sea control the shape and behavior of submarine channels. These underwater channels are the offshore equivalents of rivers, but can be much larger. Submarine channels can extend for tens to thousands of kilometers offshore, providing an important conduit for the transfer of sediment,

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How Microplastics Move from Land to Deep Seafloor

microplastics deep seafloor NOC

U.K. National Oceanography Centre (NOC) research has revealed for the first time how submarine sediment avalanches can transport microplastics from land into the deep ocean. The study also revealed that these flows are responsible for sorting different types of microplastics–burying some, and moving others vast distances across the seafloor. These findings may help predict the location of future seafloor microplastic

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New Antarctic Crustacean Species

Podosirid habitus

A new species of Antarctic deep-sea crustacean armed with spines, large claws and the raptorial mouthparts of a predator has been described by the U.K. National Oceanography Centre (NOC) taxonomists. The description of the species has been published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society and is based on specimens collected during a research expedition led by the British

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