2G Robotics Micro Inspection Skid

2G Robotics has released the Micro Inspection Skid, a new laser survey skid for inspection-class ROVs developed in partnership with iXblue and Nortek. This all-in-one integrated skid delivers high-accuracy inspection capabilities with subsea dynamic laser scanning to enable survey and inspection by low-cost vehicles.

The Micro Inspection Skid is available for vehicles including the Saab Seaeye Falcon and the Seatronics VALOR. The plug-and-play design comes fully calibrated and only requires mounting and connection to a vehicle’s auxiliary power and communication channels. The 2G Robotics ViewLS data module enables users to easily combine navigation and laser data and extract targets of interest into third-party point cloud analysis software.

The skid includes the 2G ULS-500 Micro laser scanner, iXblue’s Rovins Nano INS, Nortek’s DVL1000 and Valeport’s Depth Sensor to deliver high-accuracy georeferenced laser inspections.

The skid is neutrally buoyant to maintain vehicle maneuverability. Simply fly the vehicle over the target to generate a 3D model in real time.

Learn more at www.2grobotics.com.

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